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Why AusRelief?

We stand for the weakest link in our community, whether locally or abroad.

We assist the needy and less fortunate by helping them build educated, productive, secure, just and self sustainable communities
Poor Kids

We believe that it is our duty to be effective, responsible and accountable managers of the resources entrusted to us.

We believe secure, informed, intellectual, productive and just societies emerge when wealth and resources are distributed effectively to those that are most in need with the intent that those communities are empowered through education, training and self sustainability programs.

We believe that all people (especially the orphans, aged, disabled, oppressed and widowed) irrespective of race, class, creed or political considerations, are entitled to:

  1. A peaceful, just, healthy and dignified life;
  2. Participate in free choice;
  3. First class education and training;
  4. Thrive and enjoy the fruits of their labour;
  5. A secure and an environmentally sustainable future.

We rely on the generosity of people like you to continue our work.

By supporting us, you become the change and you join a committed community taking action to achieve positive change.

Your funding will not only provide relief in the first instance, but with your continued support we can help communities recover and rebuild their communities with clever long term solutions.

Get on board today